Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Newly Minted; Get the Breath Mints!

Wow, it's finally happened! After six years of schooling (much of it while working), and a lot of sweat, blood, and a considerable amount of tears, I am finally a licensed acupuncturist in the State of New York.
What's funny about going through School for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is that you can start to identify many of the syndromes you're learning about because you come down with so many of them thanks go school for TCM. Liver qi stagnation, Spleen and Blood deficiency, Dian-Kuang (mania-withdrawal). Yep, did that, had that, and was soooo that last one!
But, after lotsa money in loans, an eviction, and assorted other challenges, I finally have license in hand.
Hopefully, in the years to come, I'll be able to journal some cases I'm working on (no names, ever) and some observations about health in general. As ever, I look for any feedback I can get.

1 comment:

  1. I apprenticed by giving rubdowns for the better part of five hours after school each weeknight to learn my healing art of bodywork. Then i would go home and do homework and study until i went to bed. I was paid around minimum wage but received good instruction and worked on the widest array of males imaginable. It was tough but whether you're learning to be a medical doctor or an acupuncturist they just seem to want to near kill you.
