Thursday, January 27, 2011

Winter Would Like to Hear You Cry Uncle Now

As everyone out here in Gotham knows, we've been pummeled mercilessly by winter this January. Just last night, we got 15 inches (19 I hear in some areas), and the MTA suspended bus service at around midnight, presumably so they don't get stuck in the streets thereby making it impossible to plow.
The snow was so bad that I had to postpone my presentation to the Wellness Center of Port Morris of Xing Yi Nei Gong (see last post). The Wellness Center is much like St. Ann's, in that it caters (if "cater" is the right word) to a disadvantaged population. It's different from St. Ann's in that it focuses a lot on Liver health, and many there are infected with hepatitis.
What's worrisome is that if it's difficult for someone as able-bodied as I am to move around the city, it must be very hard for some of the clients of places like St. Ann's and the Wellness Center. Moreover, many of them have inadequate coats, or no coats at all.
Seeing as how we've entered the Snowpocalypse, this is a Very Bad Thing. So, I urge people out there, if they have any coats that they're no longer using, please donate them. You and I may cry uncle, and silently curse under our breaths about the umpteenth time we have to dig our car out, but for others, it's literally life and death.


  1. What an excellent observation Robert, about the difficulty this Snowpocalype (a dramatic, yet apt title!) has on the disadvantaged. Much luck to you in your upcoming presentation! :)

  2. Just overcoming a rather intense case of Evil Wind Cold and enjoying the challenging conditions in the park for my training I had forgotten how many suffer these conditions 24/7. Perhaps it is because the homeless are not as visible here in South Harlem as they used to be. We do have them though as my tenure of searching for them for the Census proved.
