Sunday, January 8, 2012

Dangerous Precedents

Recently, Congress has taken up a bill called the Enemy Expatriation Act. Joe Lieberman is the sponsor. Essentially, this Act, if passed, would allow the government to strip anyone of their American citizenship, even if they are not convicted of anything. In short, the evil that started with the Patriot Act, continued with the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) now reaches its apogee with this, the EEA.
It's been a long time coming, the extreme right wing's wet dream of creating a police state here in America. While the Arab world revolts, and throws off its chains, American politicians are trying to got the opposite direction and forge chains for Americans. Why Evil Joe Lieb hates America so much is a mystery, but what he's doing is nothing less than treason. The protections in the U.S. Constitution apply to every American. What Joe and his ilk are trying to do is do an end-run around that by simply re-defining what an American is.
This has to be fought, by everyone, no matter what your political affiliation. This act will do nothing to make people safer; in point of fact, it will put people in danger from their own government. Any government which tries to stop up protest, expression, and transparency has lost the "Mandate of Heaven" so to speak. The Mandarins in charge in D.C. know this full well, and this is why they are acting to strip and gut the Constitutional rights of every citizen.
My friends, act. Act now. Act forcefully. Do not allow the passage of this bill. If it does pass, fight it with every ounce of your being. Do it before the standard issue jackboots come to kick in your door.

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